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Laser Treatments: The 10 Most Effective Laser Procedures for Your Skin

Laser Treatments: The 10 Most Effective Laser Procedures for Your Skin

Laser Treatments: The 10 Most Effective Laser Procedures for Your Skin

YONKERS, WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NY — June 22, 2021 — If you’ve researched any kind of medical aesthetics in the past decade, you’ve likely heard about laser treatments and had a few questions. Anna Ronen, spa director at Medical Spa and Laser Treatment Clinic Novuskin (with locations in Las Vegas and Denver) has over 15 years experience in educating customers about laser treatments.

When considering laser aesthetics for face or body, Anna and her team of specialists say results from lasers can vary greatly from spa to spa, and says there are certain things to look for when booking your treatment.

According to Anna, “When choosing a spa or derm, it’s important to consider how they treat you from day one. If you feel you’re being rushed or not valued, that’s a red flag. Customer service means a lot in this industry because good concierge service means you’re getting care that’s tailored for you. Medical aesthetics is medical care! Your body is unique and your skincare should be too. Always find a spa that offers a free consultation before your treatment, and preferably one that does a digital skin analysis, as well.”

Anna and her knowledgeable team list these as the top 10 most effective laser procedures for your skin.

Laser Scar Treatment after and before on young asian woman face

1. Laser Acne Scar Treatment

What type of laser is used for treatment?

Without a doubt, PicoWay Resolve laser is the best on the market for acne scars and similar skin conditions. PicoWay is an exceptionally fast laser that creates thermal injury in the skin to build collagen and elastin which fills in the scar tissue for skin tightening and an even appearance. What’s especially great about PicoWay is that, unlike traditional lasers, you have almost no downtime after the procedure and far less pain during.

How many laser treatments do you need?

PicoWay is an exceptionally advanced laser, so you usually need fewer sessions than with other laser treatments. Depending on the severity of your acne scars, you’ll need likely 2-6 treatments.

How much does it cost?

Expect to pay $150-$300 per session. 

2. Laser Treatment for Wrinkles

What type of laser is used for treatment?

For anti aging (fine lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity), board certified dermatologists and aestheticians recommend Fraxel Laser facials. Non-ablative Fractional Lasers don’t destroy the epidermis (the outer layer of skin). The heat reaches deep into the dermis instead and creates a thermal injury that stimulates collagen production to fill in fine lines and wrinkles. It also offers a face lift effect by improving skin elasticity to address skin sagging.

How many laser treatments do you need?

Depending on the stage of skin aging, you may need 4-8 sessions with touch-up treatments every 6-12 months. The good news is Fraxel Lasers are gentler on your skin and cause less peeling and downtime than ablative lasers.

How much does it cost?

Fraxel Laser treatments can cost as much as $1500-$2000 per treatment.

3. Rosacea Laser Treatment

What type of laser is used for treatment?

For laser rosacea treatment, GentleMax Pro (or the ND:YAG Alex Laser) is remarkable at helping to reduce the look of rosacea redness and dissolve veins on the cheeks or chin. The GentleMax Pro is called gentle for a reason — it has a built-in cooling technology that protects the tissues surrounding the broken capillaries and spider veins. The benefits of this technology are two-fold:

  1. It’s safer because the surrounding skin is less likely to be damaged during treatment

2.  It’s a much more comfortable and tolerable treatment that q-switch or nanosecond lasers

How many laser treatments do you need?

The number of treatments needed is directly related to the severity of your symptoms. Plan to have at least 2 and as many as 8 to see optimal results.

How much does it cost?

GentleMax Pro laser treatments cost $150-$500 per treatment.

4. Laser Vein Treatment

What type of laser is used for treatment?

Again, for removing unsightly veins, GentleMax Pro (or the ND:YAG Alex Laser) is the top choice. Across the country, the ND:YAG laser is the machine of choice because of its superior coagulation effects: while some lasers leave stripes, circles, or honeycomb patterns where the veins were, the Alex Laser is more likely to produce clear results with no residual marks.

How many laser treatments do you need?

You may only need one laser vein removal treatment, and in some cases, two may be indicated.

How much does it cost?

If your insurance doesn’t cover laser vein therapy, expect your treatment to cost an average of $450 per session. This number may fluctuate depending on the number and size of your veins.

5. Laser Treatment for Stretch Marks

What type of laser is used for treatment?

For white stretch marks, the best laser skin treatment on the market is Fraxel Laser. Again, since Frax lasers don’t destroy the epidermis (the outer layer of skin), you’ll have much less healing and downtime. The heat reaches deep into the dermis instead, and creates a thermal injury that helps encourage cellular rejuvenation and stimulates collagen production to fill in the stretch mark.

How many laser treatments do you need?

You’ll likely need 2-5 treatments to see the complete removal of your stretch marks.

How much does it cost?

Laser stretch mark treatments average around $1500 per session.

6. Laser Treatment for Scars

What type of laser is used for treatment?

For shallow, superficial scars, the ND:YAG laser (see above) is a great option. But If you’ve got deep, thick scars a CO2 laser might be better. CO2 laser treatments are no joke – they are very painful, requiring sedation during treatment. Recovery time is long and your skin will likely peel during the first 2 weeks after your treatment. However, the prognosis is excellent. While it’s difficult to ever fully erase a deep scar, skin resurfacing can help smooth the scar and make it much less noticeable, especially under makeup.

How many laser treatments do you need?

CO2 lasers have a longer recovery time but they are also very powerful. You may only need 1-3 treatments to see optimal results.

How much does it cost?

CO2 laser treatments may cost as much as $2700 per session.

7. Laser Treatment for Dark Spots on Face

What type of laser is used for treatment?

IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light, isn’t exactly a laser, but it works in similar ways and is heralded as one of the best treatments for dark spots (hyperpigmentation) on the face. IPL Photofacials use high-intensity light, much like lasers, but while lasers project light in one very specific direction, IPL sends light in a number of wavelengths, more like a photo flash. Your skin’s pigment absorbs the light energy and converts it to heat which triggers the skin to heal the area of hyperpigmentation and restore your tone and texture. IPL isn’t as gentle as other light therapy like LEDs, but it’s not as painful as traditional lasers either. You’ll need just a day or two to heal and may experience only mild redness and a bit of a sunburnt feeling following your treatment. 

How many laser treatments do you need?

As a general rule, you’ll need 3-6 IPL treatments to see optimal results.

How much does it cost?

IPL Treatments cost on average $200-$350 each.

8. Laser Treatment for Hair Loss

What type of laser is used for treatment?

Laser hair therapy is a safe and effective alternative to hair transplant surgery. Red light, or low-level laser therapy, can help trigger weak cells within your hair follicles to rejuvenate and begin to regrow hair. Unfortunately, the results a slightly inconsistent and the treatment doesn’t seem to work for everyone. That’s likely because the reasons we experience hair loss aren’t fully understood. However, if Rogain and similar products aren’t an option, it’s a good first treatment to try. It’s fully painless and non-invasive, and even if it doesn’t give you the hair regrowth you hoped for, it will strengthen your functional hair follicles and help you lose less hair in the future.

How many laser treatments do you need?

Most people undergo at least one laser hair loss treatment per month, and depending on hair regrowth and loss rates, treatment can last 2-10 years.

How much does it cost?

Most people spend approximately $250 per treatment or around $3000 a year.

9. Laser  Sculpt Lipo Treatment

What type of laser is used for treatment?

There are plenty of non-invasive body sculpting treatments hitting the market. Laser liposuction is considered minimally-invasive, but it does require a knife and a bit more downtime than CoolSculpting or EmSculpt. During laser lipo, your doctor will make a small incision in the treated area and insert a tiny laser. The laser energy is aimed at the fat tissue and it melts it. The laser is removed and a small tube called a cannula is inserted which sucks out the liquefied fat. You’ll need 3-4 days of downtime to rest after the procedure and about 3 weeks before you can return to any strenuous activities.

Non surgical body sculpting – lipo laser

How many laser treatments do you need?

You may only need one treatment to see full results.

How much does it cost?

Laser lipo is among the most expensive laser treatment, costing $2500-$5000 per session. However, you’ll likely need only one treatment, so in the long run, it may be the cheapest medical aesthetic fat-reduction option.

10. Laser Tattoo Removal

What type of laser is used for treatment?

For the fastest, most effective laser tattoo removal, choose PicoWay laser. Tattoo ink is pigment that’s been placed under the skin in pieces too large for the body to dissolve. It’s not for lack of trying: your body’s white blood cells tried to remove the ink when you first got your tattoo. That’s why it turned red and got a bit swollen. It’s still possible for your WBCs to remove the pigment; the pigment just needs to be small enough. PicoWay is a picosecond laser. It bursts light 1 trillionth of a second in length. This incredibly fast speed pulverizes even the most difficult to break color pigment so your body can naturally wash it away. Results are immediate – and impressive. What’s even better is that even darker skin tones can use PicoWay.

How many laser treatments do you need?

With PicoWay laser, you may only need 1 treatment to completely remove your tattoo. If your tattoo is especially difficult, you may need 2 or 3 sessions.

How much does it cost?

Each treatment typically costs $150 but the price can fluctuate depending on the size of your tattoo.

Lasers are without a doubt revolutionizing the beauty industry and offering more and more treatment options all the time. Doctors and medical aestheticians are developing new techniques and treatments to help with many skincare and beauty concerns, making the laser industry an exciting space for consumers with cash to spend.

Laser treatments feeling out of financial reach? You may be able to reduce costs by purchasing a package of treatments. Most spas will work with you to create package deals, and some even offer financing options.